Minggu, 28 Agustus 2011

Collaborative Consumption hub

Collaborative Consumption describes the rapid explosion in traditional sharing, bartering, lending, trading, renting, gifting, and swapping reinvented through network technologies on a scale and in ways never possible before.

From enormous marketplaces such as eBay and Craigslist, to emerging sectors such as social lending (Zopa), peer-to-peer travel (Airbnb) and car sharing (Zipcar or peer-to-peer RelayRides), Collaborative Consumption is disrupting outdated modes of business and reinventing not just what we consume but how we consume. New marketplaces such as TaskRabbit, ParkatmyHouse, Zimride, Swap.com, Zilok, Bartercard and thredUP are enabling “peer-to-peer” to become the default way people exchange — whether it’s unused space, goods, skills, money, or services — and sites like these are appearing everyday, all over the world.

For a list of some of the hottest start-ups in the Collaborative Consumption space. (http://www.collaborativeconsumption.com/the-movement/snapshot-of-examples.php)


beberapa website nya sangat menarik

task rabbit (pekerja lepas)

Rent a private driveway or garage( penyewaan garasi rumah untuk parkir)

share a ride ( tumpangan kendaraan)
catatan: gerakan tumpangan kendaraan ini sudah ada di indonesia.

swap.com (tukar menukar?)

zilok ( bahas prancis rasanya)

Bartercard (kartu yang di gunakan untuk tukar menukar barang atau menjual barang/servic tidak menggunakan uang?)

the red up (yang ini juga sama mirip bater tetapi masih menggunakan uang)

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